Can Medications That Cause Weight Gain Is Trusting?

There are many diabetes medications that cause weight loss. Metformin is one of the most popular of these. This drug, a type of glucose regulator, is usually prescribed to people with type 2 diabetes who cannot control their blood glucose levels. It helps control insulin levels and lowers blood pressure as well.

A commonly prescribed insulin is Glucophage. Glucophage or Gluconid could be in the form of a shot, a tablet or an injection. Injections are more effective if you have low blood sugar levels. You should take these shots daily until your physician gives you the go-ahead for a tablet. Some people also find that when they take these tablets with meals, their blood sugar level is less likely to drop.

Glucophage and insulin can also be taken in combination. One of these medications, insulin glargine, acts like insulin by stimulating the liver to produce a greater amount of insulin at a faster rate. This leads to increased usage of the cells for energy production. If you're not using the cells for energy production, it will lead to decreased utilization of stored fat. These medications that cause weight loss are usually taken for periods ranging from six months to one year.

Another medication often prescribed for people with diabetes is Singulair. This medication decreases low blood sugars. Since low blood sugars are often what cause people to gain weight, this can help them keep off that weight. If you feel that your blood sugars are too high, talk to your diabetes specialist about having these lowered. You may need to have regular testing with your physician to determine how low your blood sugars are.

Certain other medications for diabetes can cause weight loss. One such medication is Enberel, which decreases the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. Some people lose weight because of taking this medication, but the most important benefit is that they avoid gaining it back once they stop taking it. It is extremely rare for anyone to develop kidney problems as a result of diabetes taking Enberel. However, if you do develop kidney problems, speak to your doctor immediately to avoid any additional problems.

Several prescription diabetic medications, including Accutane and zonisamide, work by altering the enzyme levels inside the body. These medicines cannot be used by diabetics who are already taking insulin or those who have a blood sugar level above 200mg/dL. When taken by itself, diabetic medications do not cause weight loss, but they can reduce or even stop weight gain. If you take a higher dose, you may also increase your risk of infections.

According to research, two other prescription diabetic medications, namely aminophylline and sucralfate, increase the amount of nitrogen created in the urine by the liver. This leads to excess protein in the blood stream. Excessive protein in the blood stream can cause an increase in triglycerides and cholesterol. If you are taking these medications and gain weight, you could be at risk for cardio-vascular disease, which can lead to heart attacks. In addition, studies suggest that long term use of some diuretics could damage the kidneys or gastrointestinal tract.

Medications that cause weight gain should only be used under medical supervision. This means that you should get the consent of your doctor before starting any type of medication. Some diuretics are known to cause a build-up of uric acid in the body, which can be a lifelong problem for diabetics. If you need more information about how a certain medication affects your body, speak to your physician or health care professional. You should also keep an eye on how you feel. Diabetics who use these medications to treat their diabetes will soon learn that they need to change their diet if they want to reverse the damage caused by these drugs.


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