Phycology of Weight Loss
Phycology, the study of health and fitness, is an interesting discipline that focuses on the relationships between the environment we live in and how our bodies behave. It can be regarded as a branch of psychology that studies the ways in which our bodies interact with the physical world. The focus on environmental toxins in relation to disease is a relatively new field. Phycology of Weight Loss aims to expand on this research.

According to the American Journal of Physiology, "Excessive intake of dietary or environmental chemicals or toxins, particularly those that are foreign to the human body, results in a decrease in the body's efficiency for getting rid of these chemicals or toxins." In other words, our bodies become over efficient at getting rid of toxins. These toxins interfere with the normal function of various systems in the body. A decrease in the immune system, higher level of blood pressure, decreased stamina and a decreased libido are some of the side effects of being overloaded with toxins. Phycology believes that one way to counter these effects is by reducing the toxins in our bodies through a combination of diet, supplements, exercise and detoxification.
Diet is the most important area of psychology of weight loss. A good psychology diet will contain all natural foods, preferably organic and local to where you live. This will reduce stress on the body and prevent food cravings. The foods you eat should be high in fibre, nutrient rich whole foods. Fresh produce, fish, and other natural food sources are the best for your weight loss goals.
Phycology also focuses on antioxidants. Antioxidants help to protect the body from harmful free radicals. Free radicals are created in the body through a number of different causes. Some psychologists believe that excess sun exposure increases free radical production. Other psychologists believe that excessive smoking increases antioxidant activity.
Exercise is another area of psychology of weight loss focus. Exercise can help to burn calories and fat faster. It also helps to increase muscle mass and flexibility. As well, an exercise routine will increase blood circulation and help to remove unwanted toxins from the body.
Finally, the psychology of weight loss incorporates detoxification into their diet plans. In order to detoxify, you must change your diet and lifestyle. Phycologists suggest that you eat foods that are high in fibre, antioxidants and vitamins such as Vitamin E and Vitamin C. Additionally, you should drink lots of water. You should try to stay away from sugary beverages, caffeine, and fried foods. The goal of your diet should be to eat only healthy and nutritious foods and make sure that you get plenty of daily exercise.
These are just a few tips which may help you in your quest for the psychology of weight loss. It is important that you seek professional help if you are unable to reach these goals on your own. Many doctors have different opinions on the topic of weight loss and how to achieve it. While many will encourage you to find the reasons for your weight loss, some may discourage you while others may be entirely supportive.
You may also find that your doctor will be able to provide more information on phycology of weight loss for your specific case. There are many books available for study which discuss this topic in great detail. You may find that certain foods and recipes will boost your metabolism while others may cause it to slow down. While there are many theories regarding this topic, you may choose to try one or more until you find what works best for you. As always, you should be sure to check with your physician first. They can help you in any of your decisions regarding psychology.
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