Medications That Cause Weight Loss in Diabetics

There are four types of diabetes medications that cause weight loss. Glucose-lowering medications, which include glucomics (glucose-reducing enzymes), metformin, and zonisamide, increase blood glucose levels. When taken with meals, they prevent over-nutrition and thus reduce weight. The main drawback of these drugs is that they are used only in the first years of the disease and must be continued for the rest of the patient's life. If you decide to use metformin as your medication of choice, be sure to discuss this option with your physician.

A second group of diabetes medications that cause weight gain include insulin-lowering medications such as Accutane, Adalat, and other corticosteroids. These drugs can increase the amount of glucose in your blood, which can lead to weight gain. Your diabetes specialist may prescribe one or more of these anti-diabetes medications if your condition is serious enough to respond to this type of treatment.

Thirdly, antihypertensive medications can also cause weight gain. Many people take these medications for the complications of high blood sugar, which can lead to heart attacks and stroke. However, they can also cause a reduction in insulin levels, which leads to high blood sugars. Medications in this category include beta-blockers, diuretics, and calcium channel blockers. Talk to your doctor to determine which medications you should keep under control and which ones you should consider limiting or eliminating from your routine.

Fourthly, antihypertensive medications can also cause you to lose weight. The main benefit of this type of drug is that it lowers your blood sugars so that your body is not forced to resort to storing fat. Generally, diuretics are prescribed to reduce excessive amounts of urine and decrease the effect of norepinephrine, which can reduce insulin. Some of the medications in this category include diuretics like doxycycline, hydroxycut, lofexidene and fosaparatide. Antihistamines, which are used to treat allergies, can also reduce blood sugars.

One of the newest types of diabetes medication that causes weight gain is called Phentermine. This drug acts like the popular diet drug, Fadnisol, which forces your body to break down carbohydrates and turn them into glucose, thus preventing the production of additional fat. As with any other type of diabetes medication, people with diabetes should always talk to their health care providers before taking Phentermine, as there are possible interactions with other medications.

Another diabetes medication that causes weight gain is a protein supplement. These drugs, sometimes known as amino acid supplements, are intended to provide essential amino acids to your muscles, which can help improve your metabolism. While there are some benefits to protein supplementation, the biggest side effect is an increased appetite. Because of this, it is important for you to discuss these drugs with your doctor to ensure that you will not develop an addiction to them.

Last but not least, sulfonyl methane (also known as SLS) is an antifungal medication commonly used for nail fungus. It is most commonly used for athlete's foot, eczema, ringworm and candidiasis, among other conditions. If you have diabetes or have a family history of diabetes, sulfonylmethane may be prescribed by your physician to help control your infection.

All of the diabetic medications discussed above can cause weight loss, if taken in the correct dosage and at the right time. In general, you are best served by working closely with your doctor to find the medications that work best for your individual situation. You also need to remember that your overall health condition, as well as the health of your body in general, need to be taken into consideration. While taking these medications can improve your long-term health, you still need to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise to maintain your ideal weight.


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